I'm supposed to sing a rhyming song to you.
Probably not a song just about my new shoes (but they are Doc Martens and totally awesome and, but wait it must rhyme..)
I learned this fact today about the hour of three,
it was far too soon for my afternoon tea (although I prefer coffee but I digress)
from a lovely lady named Christina who is an SLP.
So Christina said to me,
Alyson, you must drink some tea (thats not actually what she said but it rhymes and thats the point here um anyway)
No, she said to me, (and nothing about tea, really), you must rhyme! You must say rhymes! To your kiddo who lives below...
because if you do he/she will show...
wonderful literacy skills at the age of five!
And besides that he will also understand how to dive! (without your even teaching it, amazing hungh?)
Okay so I lied about the diving part, I think they really have to learn how to swim first you can't teach swimming before birth unlike reading, apparently...
So kiddo this is your rhyming song,
Now I will probably not be singing it all day long...
because I have to work, I have to work and eat and play,
with other little kids who you probably hear all day.
But just so you know, how much I love you so,
here is my rhyming song, from me, Aly.
And that is spelled, A, L, Y
From your dad and I, we say hi.
We will see you fairly soon, probably on a night with a full moon.
But you will be cool, and you will rap in school, just like Eminem,
and maybe even be like Lil Kim (if your a girl).
And all this rapping and rhyming will help you read,
and that will lead,
to good things for you all life long.
Which is why I sing my song.
You could even have a cool name, Like Brandy D or Lijah E if you wanted to be ghetto,
you know instead of playing in meadows.
That would be totally phat, there would be nothing wrong with that.
If you wanted to wear shades, or even play some spades (as long as you don't gamble you know)
If you wanted long hair or short,
as long as you dont pick on someone with a wart.
Cuz you've got to be nice, kind and all that,
but also be strong and stand up for what's right, which is why you should be a Democrat!
(just don't tell your dad :)
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